Capillary Puncture (Skin Puncture or Prick Method) Procedure

Capillary Puncture (Skin Puncture or Prick Method) Procedure method preferably used in peripheral blood smear preparation and other hematologic examinations.

This method is preferably used in peripheral blood smear preparation but applicable also in other hematologic examinations.

  • Observe standard precautions . Check for latex allergy. If allergy is present, do not use latex-containing products. 
  • Obtain capillary blood from fingertips or earlobes (adults) or from the great toe or heel (infants). 
  • Disinfect puncture site, dry the site, and puncture skin with sterile disposable lancet no deeper than 2 mm. If povidone-iodine is used, allow to dry thoroughly. 
  • Wipe away the initial drop of blood. Collect subsequent drops in a microtube or prepare a smear directly from a drop of blood.
Note: Do not squeeze the site to obtain blood because this alters blood composition and invalidates test values. Warming the extremity or placing it in a dependent position may facilitate specimen collection.


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