WBC Normal Values and List of Leukocyte Abnormalities and Diseases

White Blood Cell(WBC) Normal Values and a detailed list of Leukocyte Abnormalities and Diseases with descriptions.

White Blood Cell (WBC) Normal Values:
WBC Count= 5,000 – 10,000/cu mm or 5 – 10 x 10^9/L
Differential Count:
Neutrophil = 50 – 70 % 
Segmenter = 50 – 65 % 
Stab = 0 – 5 %
Eosinophil = 0 – 3 %
Basophil = 0 – 1 %
Lymphocytes = 20 – 40 %
Monocytes = 2 – 6 %

Leukocyte Abnormalities and Diseases

Abnormality Description Associated Diseases

Toxic granulation Coarse, black or purple, cytoplasmic granules Infections or inflammatory diseases; acute reactive state
Dohle bodies Light blue-gray, oval, basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils Infections or inflammatory diseases, burns
Pelger-Huet anomalies Neutrophil with bilobed nucleus or no segmentation of nucleus; chromatin is coarse, and cytoplasm is pink with normal granulation Hereditary (congenital), myelogenous leukemia
May-Hegglin anomaly Basophilic, cytoplasmic inclusions of leukocytes; similar to Dohle bodies May-Hegglin syndrome (hereditary), includes thrombocytopenia and giant platelets
Alder-Reilly anomaly Prominent azurophilic granulation in leukocytes; similar to toxic granulation; granulation is seen better with Giemsa stain Hereditary, mucopolysaccharidosis
Chediak-Higashi anomaly Gray-green, large cytoplasmic inclusions that are fused giant lysomes (phospholipids) Chediak-Higashi syndrome; few cases of acute myeloid leukemia
LE (lupus erythematosus) cells Neutrophilic leukocyte with a homogenous red-purple inclusion that distends the cell's cytoplasm Lupus erythematosus and other collagen diseases, chronic hepatitis, drug reactions, serum sickness (not naturally occurring in the body and must be induced to form by mechanical trauma in vitro)
Tart cell Neutrophilic leukocyte with a phagocytized nucleus of a granulocyte that retains some nuclear structure Drug reactions (eg, penicillin, procainamide) or actual phagocytosis
Myeloid shift to left Presence of bands, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, or promyelocytes Infections, intoxications, tissue necrosis, myeloproliferative syndrome, leukemia (chronic myelocytic), leukemoid reaction, pernicious anemia, hyposplenism
Hypersegmented neutrophil Mature neutrophil with more than five distinct lobes Megaloblastic anemia, hereditary constitutional hypersegmentation of neutrophils; long-term chronic infection
Leukemic cells (eg, lymphoblasts, myeloblasts) Presence of lymphoblasts, myeloblasts, monoblasts, myelomonoblasts, promyelocytes (none normally present in peripheral blood) Leukemia (acute or chronic), leukemoid reaction, severe infectious or inflammatory diseases, myeloproliferative syndrome, intoxications, malignancies, recovery from bone marrow suppression
Auer bodies Rod-like, red-purple, refractile inclusions in neutrophils Acute myelocytic leukemia or myelomonocytic leukemia
Smudge cell Disintegrating nucleus of a ruptured leukocyte Increased numbers in leukemic blood, particularly in acute lymphocytic leukemia or chronic lymphocytic leukemia when WBC count is greater than 10,000/mm3


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