Study Guide- MLT Immunology Board Examination

Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) guide questions for preparation in board examination. Take your time to find explanation for each answer to better understand Immunological processes...

Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) guide questions for preparation in board examination. Take your time to find explanation for each answer to better understand Immunological processes.

MLT Boards- Immunology
A hapten isA determinant capable of stimulating an immune response only when bound to a carrier
Which of the following characteristics is not true foe B cells? A. Become memory cells B. contain surface immunoglobulins C. differentiate into plasma cells D. secrete the C5 component of complementD. secrete the C5 component of complement
A lymphokine isa soluble mediator produced by lymphocytes
Monocytes & macrophages play a major role in the mononuclear phagocytic system. For an antibody-coated antigen to be phagocytosed, what part of the antibody molecule fits into a recaptor on the phagocytic cell?Fc region
The DQ antigens in the HLA system are detectedby mixed lymphocyte culture or the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
The HLA complex is located primarily onChromosome 6
HLA antigens are found onwhite blood cells only
Which of the following is more likely to be diagnostic of recent acute infection? antibody titer of 2 followed by one of 16 antibody titer of 80 antibody titer of 80 followed by one of 40 D.antibody titer of 80 that is IgGA. a total antibody titer of 2 followed by a titer of 16
a young woman shows increased susceptibility to pyogenic infections. Upon assay, she shows a low level of C3. What is probably true?She has an autoimmune disease with continual antigen-antibody activity causing consumption of C3
What is the predominant type of antibody found in the serum of neonates born after full-term gestation?Maternal IgG
What type of cell predominates in the germinal centers of lymph nodes?B cells
The major class of immunoglobulin found in adult human serum isIgG
Which class of immunoglobulin possesses delta heavy chains?IgD
Which class of immunoglobulin possesses 10 antigenic binding sites?IgM
Which class of immunoglobulin binds to basophils & mast cells to mediate immediate hypersensitivity reactions?IgE
Which class of immunoglobulin has 4 subclasses?IgG
When performing the enzyme multiplies immunoassay technique (EMIT), how is the ligand in the patient's serum detected?Competes with enzyme-labeled antigen for binding to a specific antibody
Adjuvants are added to vaccines toIncrease the immune response
an example of immune injury to the deposition of antigen-antibody complexes isacute glomerulonephritis
The serologically detectable antibody produced in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is of the classIgM
In bone marrow transplantation, immunocompetent cells in the donor marrow may recognize antigens in the recipient and respond to those antigens. This phenomenon is an example ofGraft-vs,-host-disease (GVHD)
The method used to determine MHC Class I compatibility between a donor and a recipient involvesspecific typing antibodies
reactions initiated byIgG antibody
In individuals allergic to bee venom, hyposensitization protocols may be initiated. These are designed to promote the formation ofIgG
After exposure to antigen, the first antibodies that cam be detected belong to the classIgM
Corneal tissue may be transplanted successfully from one patient to another becausethe cornea occupies a privileged site not usually seen by the immune system
A kidney transplant from one identical twin to another is an example ofan isograft
In Bruton's disease, measurement of serum immunoglobulins would showthe absence of all immunoglobulins
Antigenically identical tumors produced in different animals are most commonly produced byviruses
the lymphokine able to cause proliferation and differentiation of B cells isinterleukin 4
Which cell is the principle source of interleukin 2T cell
Diagnostic reagents useful for detecting antigen by the coagglutination may be prepared by binding antibody to kill staphylococcal cells via the Fc receptor of staphylococcal protein A. The class os antibody bound by this protein isIgG
A major advantage of passive immunization os opposed to active immunization is thatantibody is available more quickly
The strength with which a multivalent antibody binds a multivalent antigen is termed theavidity
How does the secondary immune response differ from the primary immune response?IgG is the predominant antibody class produced in the secondary immune response. the antibody levels produced are higher in the secondary immune response. The lag phase is shorter in the secondary immune response
After activation of the complement system, leukocytes & macrophages are attracted to the site of complement activation byC5a
The type of immunity that follows the injection of an antigen is termedactive
The type of immunity that follows the injection of antibodies synthesized by another individual or animal is termedpassive
Male sterility may be caused by an autoantibody against sperm cells. The body can make these antibodies becausesperm cell antigens develop after self-tolerance is induced
The antibody most frequently present in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is directed againstnuclear antigen
the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) for syphilis does not meed to be read microscopically because the antigen iscomplexed to charcoal
The Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test for syphilis is classified as a(n)Flocculation reaction
One of the causes of a false-positive VDRL test isSystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Which of the following ions is necessary in complement fixation tests?Mg 2+
A cause of false-positive results in the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test for syphilis isInfectious mononucleosis
IgM antibodies are known to react well in complement fixation (CF) tests. Because of this, CF tests for antibodies shouldbe positive early in the course of the disease
What serologic test is commonly performed by an immunofluorescence method?Antinuclear antibody (ANA)
What will invalidate a test for antistreptolysin O (ASO)50% lysis of the red cells in the hemolysin control
In the enzyme-link immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system, the visible reaction is due to a reaction betweenEnzyme and substrate
The commonly used specific diagnostic test for infection by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) isthe presence of anti-HCV antibody
For a substance to be immunogenic it must berecognized as non-self
There is no bursa of Fabricius in humans. What is considered the site of B-cell differentiation in adult humans?Bone marrow
Which of the following statements about immunoglobulin light chains is true. a. each monomer has either 1 kappa or 1 lambda chain b. there are 2 types, kappa and lambda c. they consist of constant region only d.they form part of the Fc fragmentb. there are 2 types, kappa and lambda
The Fc fragment of an immunoglobulin molecule is produced by..the action of papain on a complete immunoglobulin molecule
Monoclonal antibodies are produced byHybridomas
Monoclonial antibodies of the same clone arehighly specific, produced by a malignant cell, and have the same idiotype
Skin testing is a useful diagnostic tool in a number of disorders such as tuberculosis. What is true about skin testing?Sensitivity to a particular antigen may be transferred from one individual to another by sensitized lymphocytes
Large granular lymphocytes (LGL) is synonymous withNatural Killer cell
What has been identified as B cell surface markers?C3 receptor, Immunoglobulin, and MHC class II antigens
What are characteristics of T cells?Able to bind antigen, possess CD1 antigen, and protection against intracellular parasites
The mechanism responsible for pathology in autoimmune disease iscirculating immune complexes
Which complement protein is present in the greatest concentration in human serum?C3
Which class of antibody, referred to as incomplete, is able to aggultinate RBC's after anti- human globulin is added?IgG
Which of the following complement proteins is not part of the membrane attack complex?C4
What is characteristic of contact hypersensitivity reactions?usually due to hapten
B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are derived fromhematopoietic stem cells
Contact dermatitis is mediated byT lymphocytes
In the radioallergosorbent test (RAST) for the quantitation of IgE, what does a high count per minute (cpm) suggest?high concentration of IgE in patent's serum
Typically, with no anti rejection treatment, that fate of an autograft isacceptance
An example of a minor histocompatibility antigen isthe H-Y antigen
When an antigen and an antibody react, bonds are formed between the 2 molecules. these bonds may behydrogen bonds


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