Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Preparation Procedure

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Preparation is used to facilitate the observation of fungal forms. The potassium hydroxide lyses or destroys most cellular material /debris and allows the yeast...

KOH Preparation of clinical material is used to facilitate the observation of fungal forms. The potassium hydroxide lyses or destroys most cellular material /debris and allows the yeast, fungus, cells, or components to be more easily seen.

  • Mix specimen with 10% - 20% KOH solution on a clean slide. 
  • Cover with a cover slip and press gently to make thin mount. 
  • Utilize gentle heating to aid clearing. 
  • Scan under the low power field (LPO) with reduced lighting. 
  • Switch to high power to scan or check the presence of suspected fungal element. 
  • The presence of yeast, budding yeast, pseudohyphae, septate hyphae or chlamydospores is a positive result. 
  • The absence of fungal elements is a negative result.


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