Wet Mount (Wet Film) Preparation Procedure

Wet Mount (Wet Film) Preparation are useful for giving clear images of fresh specimens under the microscope...

Wet mount preparations are useful for giving clear images of fresh specimens under the microscope. Features which may be particulate, such as spores of fungi and ferns, and pollen grains may be best observed using this technique.

Note: Motility needs to be distinguished from Brownian motion which is due to molecular bombardment. Brownian motion occurs in all microscopic bodies suspended in water and appears as a random shimmying-shaking.Motility will be in the form of cork-screw spiraling, movement in a given direction, or tumbling in place.

  • Mix specimen with sterile NSS in a sterile slide. 
  • Cover slide with cover slip. 
  • Examine under LPO and switches to HPO to scan the presence of Trichomonas species and/or amoeba.


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