Courier-Delivered Specimen Transport Regulations

General guidelines in the storage and transport of clinical specimens to be carried out by hospital couriers.

Specimens transported by a hospital courier among clinics, physicians’ offices, and the hospital laboratory are exempt from most U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules unless they are suspected of containing an infectious substance. The transport vehicle should be used exclusively for transport of these materials and should be equipped to secure the transport containers.Minimum shipping standards for this type of transportation include:
  1. Leak-proof, water-tight specimen containers.
  2. Tightly capped tubes placed in a rack to maintain an  upright position.
  3. Leak-proof inner packaging surrounded by enough absorbent material to completely absorb all the liquid present.
  4. A leak-proof plastic or metal transport box with a secure, tight-fitting cover.
  5. Properly labeled transport boxes accompanied by specimen data and identification forms.
Specimens picked up by a courier that are to be shipped to an out-of-the-area laboratory, such as a reference laboratory, must follow DOT regulations. Many of these laboratories supply shipping containers to their clients.


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